Wednesday, June 21, 2023

They Got Rid Of A British Rule, Now They're Dying!

My lawyer showed up after ages. He looked older than his age. One reason is of course his father being 103 years old, he has to be cared for. But the other reason was something I didn't know. Lawyers in India act in groups almost like criminal gangs. That's why you get so many violent court stories out of Uttar Pradesh. My lawyer informed him that lawyers ran a campaign to abolish Morning Court since it was a British rule from 1885 or something. And they were successful. So the morning court was done away with in Bihar. With the result that lawyers are having to work during the hot summer days with scorching temperatures of 44 degrees. A few have already died of sun stroke. But now who can bring back a British rule? Only a consensus between judges and lawyers can. But even lawyers are divided on the issue. Over and above Indian lawyers have to wear the black coat and trousers even in this heat. It's so sweaty that most have an Indian map on their coats and some even a Pakistan map !

Saturday, January 21, 2023

BBC Documentary on Gujarat riots of 2002 is accurate

Despite the Indian government having banned the BBC documentary on the 2002 Gujarat riots from YouTube and other platforms I managed to view it for an hour or so early this morning and from what I saw the reporting is accurate. Jill Mcgivering was India's BBC Correspondent at the time and her coverage was truthful and brave. The documentary has a clip of her interview with the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi. She calls him a charismatic politician but 'menacing'! And menacing he was right through the interview, his eyes becoming bigger and bigger with every pointed question and ultimately he tells her, "You Britishers cannot teach us human rights" The documentary details the journey of a British Muslim who was attacked by Hindutva thugs where he just managed to escape. His uncles were brutally murdered. So thank you BBC for this documentary. There is no justice for anyone currently, not even in the Supreme Court. I have always wanted to meet Zakia Jaffrey, the widow of Congress MP Ahsan Jaffrey who has been relentlessly pursuing the case against Modi but which judge has the guts to take on the Prime Minister? In the documentary there is an interview with BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on the murder of Haren Pandya, Gujarat Home Minister. Swamy says the killer could not be an ordinary murderer.... It was planned.... by someone at the higher levels... So I urge the Indian government to lift the ban on the documentary as every Indian must watch it, including our Prime Minister. In true spirit of our national motto, Satyamev Jayeta.....Truth Shall Prevail.....