Friday, September 4, 2015

Ben Carson For President !

By Manuwant Choudhary

When US President Obama visited India in November 2010 HBO telecast a film on Ben Carson and I wrote here on my blog that the Ben Carson story is better than the Obama story.

In a way I wished he was America's President and not Obama.

So now when I see Carson running for President I do feel America is blessed.

I have never been to the United States of America nor have I a desire.

Yet, American democracy is important to the world.

Obama said "Yes You Can" and he won.

Back in India Modi copied "Yes You Can" and he too won using similar propoganda material.

And I am not sure if they have both improved their countries.

So Carson seems genuine and honest and he knows how the brains work, even that of politicians (if they have one that is)

Hear him out right till the end at this introductory video and if the American voters are enlightened they would vote Carson.