Friday, May 27, 2022

A Dog Walk In New India!

Like nothing surprises me in New India, everything shocks. I mean just look at the audacity of IAS Sanjeev Khirwar, the Delhi Principal Secretary, how he had cleared the stadium of athletes by 7 pm so that he and his wife could walk their dog. I must say the Indian Express deserves much credit for exposing this story. And the photographer who risked his life and took that one picture. The government as punishment has transferred the IAS to Ladakh while his wife to Arunachal. But I mean how is Ladakh a punishment? Delhi is boiling at 48 degrees and both ladakh and Arunachal are cooler climes. Tourists are paying to get there, and it's definitely safer than Jammu and Kashmir. The IAS should have been suspended at least. But I did like his dog - a Great Dane! I wonder where they have taken the dog, Ladakh or Arunachal? Any guesses? One lucky dog.

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