Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Smart Metre, Oversmart Netas!

Just as I got my electric supply restored after paying a whopping Rs 59000 plus charges, I came across a news where Bihar government has ordered the electricity department to give all elected politicians MLAs and MLCs free 2500 units electricity per month! Now Bihar is a state having highest electric tariff per unit roughly Rs 8 per unit. Maharashtra has just Rs 2 per unit. Surely Bihar is poorer than Maharashtra so why charge Bihar more? Besides, if we can have One Nation One Tax, then why not One Nation, One Bijli ka bill ! In Punjab farmers get free electricity to some extent, but in Bihar just because I installed a 10 kw load it's being charged at urban charges, not even rural. India cannot grow because of our parasitic netas out to get something free from the government. Freeloaders! And look at Sabka Saath, Sabka Bikaas in Delhi he is splurging millions to build a new parliament for Hindu Rastra and a safe house with tunnels so he can escape to God only knows where.

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